
Enterprise automated discovery, audit, and protection of stored sensitive information

Discovery and Inventory

Find sensitive information by file content, metadata, and more


Discover and protect multiple files based on specific data attributes


Dynamically apply file lifecycle actions

E-Inspector Lifecycle

Some of challenges solved by E-Inspector

E-Inspector implementation

Turning over the iceberg​

Day-to-day scenarios

Business-Driven multilevel dynamic inventory


  • Identify what type of data is currently stored in the HR and finance repositories.
  • Find documents containing sensitive information such as credit card numbers, personal data, and social security numbers.
  • Build a risk mitigation plan for data leakage.


  • Inefficient process with potential for human risks.
  • Not an automated process.
  • Demanding in effort and time


  • E-Inspector automates the process.
  • Detailed inventory (including document characteristics and content).
  • Correlation of who uses the document(s) (user/department).



  • Finance needs to identify which documents contain credit cards in a specified repository.
  • Implement encryption on these documents.
  • Inefficient process with potential human risks.
  • Not an automated process.
  • Demanding in effort and time.
  • E-Inspector applies the required encryption according to the content of the document.
  • E-Inspector streamlines and automates the process.
  • Detailed inventory of the files.


  • Alex is no longer part of the organization.
  • Find all of Alex’s documents.
  • Assign all of Alex’s documents to Carol.


  • Exposure to a possible risk and effort to find that information.

  • Manual process may result in omission of documents.

  • Unprotected documents, possible leakage of information.


  • E-Inspector identifies all of Alex’s documents.

  • It grants permissions to Carol automatically. 

  • Does not remove encryption on documents.

  • Detailed inventory.


El cliente quiere migrar los repositorios de archivos de los servidores locales heredados a SharePoint Online; sin embargo, el cliente no quiere almacenar ciertos tipos de información en la nube.


  • Exposición a posibles riesgos. Complejidad y  esfuerzo para encontrar esa información.

  • El proceso manual puede dar lugar a la omisión de documentos.


  • Proceso automatizado.

  • No elimina el cifrado de los documentos.

  • Inventario detallado.

StandardAdvancedE-Suite IP
Information Driven Policy
Content based policy
[Label/Template, Content Rights, Expiration, Refresh, Others]
Business Driven Policy

Business focused policy
[Manager, Peer, Region, Group, Others]
External Collaboration
External collaboration
Workflow Approval
Workflow based approval
Microsoft Teams App Integration

E-Inspector Teams App, E-Bot (chatbot) support
Application Integration via API
Line of business [LOB] applications integration via E-Inspector API
SIEM Integration
Data exportable to SIEM
Service Analytics and Logging
E-Visor for E-Inspector [E4E]
Advanced Alerts and Notifications
E-Vigilant for MIP
End-User Analytics
E-Visor for MIP
Advanced data inspection
E-Inspector Advanced