
Teams App

Microsoft Teams App that boosts Security and End-User Productivity

Enaging your staff





E-Visor Basic

Empowered users result in less Help Desk tickets and faster support times, meaning increased savings within the organization. E-Visor Basic provides each user with a 360 view of their own data and information, including the devices linked to the work account and much more, for self-services tier 1 support.

Additional Security and Productivity features starting from Basic


Empower your users through a simplified self-service configuration and simplify your IT support assistance to the end user.(Interactive version in Basic+)
More about MFA/SSPR…            How to use Passwordless…

My sign-ins

Empowered users result in less Help Desk tickets and faster support times, meaning increased savings within the organization. E-Visor Basic provides each user with a 360 view of their own data and information, including the devices linked to the work account and much more, for self-services tier 1 support.

My Devices

Simplified “one pane of glass” to see end-to-end cyber security health of devices in Teams. (MDE capabilities in Basic+)
More about my devices and Zero Trust…        

Highlight by Business Size



Highlight by M365 License:





Identity   ✔[Customized]
AADP   ✔[Customized]
MFA Status   ✔[Customized]
Self-Service Password   ✔[Customized]
Devices   ✔[Customized]
MEM   ✔[Customized]
MDE   ✔[Customized]
Basic Sign in info   ✔[Customized]
Advanced Sign in info   ✔[Customized]
Risk events count   ✔[Customized]
Productivity ✔[Customized]
SPO   ✔[Customized]
EXO   ✔[Customized]
OD4B   ✔[Customized]
Teams Meetings data   ✔[Customized]
Teams Meetings
advanced data
Information Protection     ✔[Customized]
MIP     ✔[Customized]
DLP     ✔[Customized]
MCAS     ✔[Customized]
E-Suite Products     ✔[Customized]
E4E     ✔[Customized]
E4I     ✔[Customized]
E4V     ✔[Customized]
E4M     ✔[Customized]
Multiple Tems Tiers       ✔[Customized]
2 Tears       ✔[Customized]
More than two Tiers         ✔[Customized]
Geolocalization       ✔[Customized]
Threat Protection         ✔[Customized]
IoT         ✔[Customized]
SQL         ✔[Customized]
Servers         ✔[Customized]
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